Monday, October 1, 2012

All is well...

My  dear, precious math babies,

By now, you all know that I'm no longer your math teacher and you probably know that it wasn't my decision.  I tried my very best to make it work and I'm truly sorry that it wasn't sufficient.  It is through NO fault of ANY of you.  My own shortcomings with keeping up with paperwork is to blame.  You all brought me your challenges that we were learning to work through together and you taught me more than I could have ever imagined.

I value my time there with you and the other middle school teachers.  Mrs. Ojeda, Miss, Lensky, and Miss Ramos are wonderful, talented, kind-spirited ladies whom you are all so blessed to have as your teachers.

I miss you all already, but I must admit that it was nice to sleep in this morning.  (Sorry, I had to throw that in there!)  I'm having my coffee and it doesn't taste the same without all the noise and fussing and Jerry on his guitar soothing over the morning's chaos.

Please help out with the daily chores until the new teacher makes assignments.  Advisory class, you know what needs to be done each day and what needs to be done twice per week.  Messy floors and shelves cause distractions and show a lack of pride in your environment.  Be sure to check the floors before you leave the class to clean up.  It doesn't matter who made the mess.  Respect yourselves enough to demand a clean and orderly work environment.

My daughter, my cat, my dog and my friends and family are all thrilled to have my time and attention again.  However, they also realize that I am saddened by the change.  Change happens and we must adapt.

My heart is full of love for each of you along with my hopes for your success in learning.  Learning is a choice.  It isn't always reflected in your grades, but it is reflected in YOU.  Learning gives us pride, and creates a path for success beyond anything imaginable.  It requires some sacrifice on your part.  Put aside the playing around and expand your ability to focus.  Put down your phone and pick up your pencil.  Practice is mandatory for success.

Rise above what is expected of you and Be Exceptional.  Every single one of you have the capacity.

I love you all and miss you already.

I will continue to post on the blog if I see that any of you are still checking it.

My sincerest love and hopes are with you all.

Ms. Cathey

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